Andy Mertens teaches classes at the Oshkosh T'ai Chi Center, 803 Waugoo Ave., Oshkosh, WI. Class focuses on several forms of T'ai Chi stretching, self defense, Chinese medicine and Qi gong.

Located in the Stevens Park neighborhood, the Oshkosh T'ai Chi Center is a place dedicated to the art of T'ai Chi as a means to improve the health of the community, by teaching individuals to embody the principals of what the Chinese call the "Supreme Ultimate." According to Professor Cheng Man-Ch’ing, "T’ai Chi is both an integrated exercise and an enjoyable sport for all:  rich and poor, strong and weak, young and old, male and female.  Weather does not inhibit its practice.  Requirements of time and space are minimal.  If one has a space approximately four feet on a side and can spare ten minutes a day, he can practice T’ai Chi without spending a cent."

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